Group Assignment 2: User Scenarios and Representative Tasks

Group Name and Members

Arts and Crafts

Julia Bomalaski, Logan Davis, Amy Feinstein, Deborah Turner, Evan Wilson

The Chosen Website 

Our group has decided to analyze the website: Sarah Maker. We chose this website because it is a great example of a crafting/instructional site that has a lot of potential for improvement. We are interested in testing the usability of the catalog of posts as it pertains to navigation and searchability. 

The Chosen Persona

We’ve decided to focus on a social media savvy young woman who was inspired by Pinterest to pick up crocheting. She’s been saying she would eventually teach herself to crochet for years, but other priorities have hindered her from starting. She now has the free time to dedicate learning to crochet. With the low financial commitment and abundance of accessibility to resources on how to crochet, the barrier of entry was very low.

The Scenario

Inspired by social media, our persona would like to learn how to crochet, so she can start her own crocheting Instagram account. She’s looking to find clear instructions on how to start crocheting and easy but interesting-looking projects that she could post to her own social media profiles.

The Tasks

Task 1: Find instructions for a complete crochet beginner who has no idea how to even start the craft. 

Task 2: Learn what different types of yarn and thread are good for different kinds of crafting.

Task 3: Find a beginning crochet project that would make a good holiday gift for friends/family

With these tasks we hope to find out how easy it is to navigate when looking for a specific craft or tutorial as opposed to general browsing, how easy it is to switch between tasks (for example, if you can have the pattern instructions up but easily switch to the basic crochet instructions because you are still learning the stitches), and how easy the instructions are to follow (video vs picture tutorials, etc.)

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