Individual Assignment 1 – Designing for Users

Site Name: Gum Road  


Task 1: User must navigate to the Design Section of the site. Where would you click and why?  

The website was not very user-friendly for those who have never used the website. When asking the user to find the section labeled design, the user tried clicking on several of the navigation links. Ultimately, after five tries and a lot of frustration the user was able to locate the design section under the discover link.   

The easiest way to find the design section would be to scroll on the main page. The home page contains several sub-sections that are also found under the discover page.  

Task 2: Search Procreate Brushes and then use filter to find free brush sets.  

User search procreate brushes in the search bar from the navigation section titled design which was in the previous task. Several options popped up which confuse the user and they were just trying to search procreate and not brush sets. The user then tries to filter using the filter bar to search free. Unfortunately, user did not understand that the filter bar filters as you click on each filter. The user was searching for an enter button so this particular section confused the user more so than the previous task. 

Task 3: Find the Search Bar. Try searching for Fiction. Then search the tag Poetry. What did you find?   

Within the paste task, I ask the user to find the search bar. The user was able to locate the search bar and when asked to search for fiction she was able to find the fix in the section. User seems to be getting more of a handle on the website and searching capabilities. Unfortunately, they were still a bit frustrated. I asked the user to search poetry as a tag Which is The sub-genre under diction user was able to find several items that were useful to write fiction and poetry.  

Overall: User was unsure of how to navigate the website and extremely frustrated.   

When observing the user a simple task would’ve taken me several seconds to the user several minutes to perform. Users’ overall thoughts of this particular website is the website is not as user-friendly as it could be. The usability of this website could be better if the website wasn’t so overwhelming with information. This website is generally for creators who want to sell their work or different creative outlets. The user who is testing the usability of this website is an artist just digital artwork however they have never come across this website this is their first time using this website. When I asked if they would use this website again they simply said no. The user thinks to the website is to overstimulating and is unsure of how to navigate through the website. User also mentioned that you need to know exactly what you are looking for in order to use this site. I agree with the user that if you do not know what you are looking for on this website it would be very difficult to navigate. There is way too much information on this website for you to just press discover. 

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